Innovation drives
our growth
The pursuit of innovation, sustainability and efficiency is one of the fundamental principles behind Simetria’s work.
Therefore, in order to remain competitive in a changing market, we have made a firm commitment to innovation creating Globalcyclus, a firm dedicated exclusively to operating the whole company Innovation.
For Simetría, innovation is a global strategy that penetrates into every level of the company. In order for our group to be considered innovative, we promote the knowledge, creativity and skills of our employees.
To this end, we have implemented an R&D&I management system in all of our business areas, in line with the UNE 166002 standard, thereby creating an innovation-oriented business strategy that enables us to offer more sustainable solutions to our clients.
Simetria boasts a team of professionals who specialise in the development of R&D&I projects. Innovation Management is developed from Globalcyclus by coordinating the different experts of each business to offer energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable solutions. Our R&D activities chiefly focus on improving process efficiency, waste management and the development of new materials.
The digital transformation of our procedures and services are a key target for Simetria. Globalcyclus focus all the developments of new tecnologies that are made for the different business’ areas, allowing them to conduct an efficient management based in data.
In Simetria we want to be a national-level referent both in construction and delivery service. We base our growth on innovation as a transversal line in the whole company and we deliver a global and efficient service to our clients, leveraging the synergies we generate among the different businesses of the company.